My Background
Hello! I teach financial modeling and financial data analytics at Wake Forest University. At different times in the past I have taught Intro to Quantitative Finance, FinTech, Corporate Finance, Investments, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Personal Finance, and others.
I have published articles on empirical asset pricing, behavioral finance, and other areas. My articles have been published in academic journals such as the Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Information Systems, Finance Research Letters, Journal of Investing, and Journal of Asset Management.
Although I grew up in Florida, I lived in Brazil for two years, where I learned Portuguese. I'm always looking for a Portuguese speakers to practice. My hobbies include technology, sports, traveling, and the Oxford comma.
"Cross-Country Gender Bias and Corporate Cash Holdings", with
Jaroslav Horvath, Finance Research Letters, Accepted January 2025
"The Informativeness of Sentiment Types in Risk Factor Disclosures:
Evidence from Firms with Cybersecurity Breaches", with Ronald C.W.
Tsang, Amelia A. Baldwin, Joseph F. Hair, Jr, and Ermanno Affuso,
Journal of Information Systems, Volume 37 (3), 157--190, 2023, doi:
"Effect of the 2016 OPEC Production Cut Announcement on the Default
Likelihood of the Oil Industry and Commercial Banks", with Kenneth
Hunsader and Chris Lawrey, American Journal of Finance and Accounting,
Volume 6 (3/4), 297-313, 2021, doi:
"The Investors Exchange's (IEX) Impact on Investors, with Alan Chow
and Chris Lawrey, Journal of Asset Management, Volume 22 (1), 2021,
51-61, doi:
"Comparison of Estimators of Equity Return Standard Deviation Using
Pitman Closeness Criterion and Control Charting Applications", with
Alan Chow and Kelsey Edwards, Studies in Business and Economics, Volume
15 (1), 2020, 5-12, doi:
"Equity Risk: Measuring Return Volatility Using Historical
High-Frequency Data", with Alan Chow, Studies in Business and
Economics, Volume 14 (3), 2019, 60-71, doi:
"Motivating Gender Use in Financial Research: A Survey of Recent
Literature", Review of Behavioral Finance, Volume 12 (3), 2019,
242-258. doi:
"A Pitman Closeness Evaluation of Range-based Estimators in Shortened
Time Horizons", with Kelsey Edwards, Alan Chow, and Gwendolyn
Pennywell, Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, Volume XLVI
(1), Spring/Summer, 2019, 121-134
"Real Estate Pre-License Education: A National Call for Reporting
Transparency", with J. Reid Cummings and Kenneth Hunsader, Journal of
Real Estate Practice and Education, Volume 21(1), 2018, 77-84,
"Social Media Sentiment and Market Behavior", with Ermanno Affuso,
Empirical Economics, Volume 57 (1), 2019, 105-127, doi:
"Beta Dispersion and Portfolio Returns", with Chris Lawrey and Ken
Hunsader, Journal of Asset Management, Volume 19 (3), 2018, 156-161,
"Compensation of Investment Advisors", with Stephan Shipe, The
Journal of Investing, Volume 27(1), 2018, 80-86, doi:
"A Comparison of Index and Equity Volatility Using Range-Based
Estimators", with Alan Chow and Gwendolyn Pennywell, the Journal of
Business and Economic Perspectives, Volume XLV (1), Spring/Summer, 2018,
"Readability of Financial Advisor Disclosures", with Stephan Shipe,
Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 44, 2017, 36-42, doi:
"Motivating Capital Investment by Using the Audit Process to Increase
Financial Transparency", with with J. Reid Cummings, Gabriel D.
Ramirez, and Divesh S. Sharma, Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting,
Volume 10, Issue 1, 2018, 81-114, doi:
"The Effect of Social Media and Gender on the Stock Market", with
Bong Soo Lee, The Journal of Behavioral Finance & Economics, Volume 5,
Issues 1&2, 2015-2016, 35-68